School Improvement Plan

Horizon Science Academy McKinley Park

School Improvement Plan


Improvement Priority Title

What exactly are we going to do?

Student-Centered Support

Elevate students' social-emotional learning (SEL) skills and aptitudes.

Foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment where students can thrive.

Enhance and Improve Achievement for Every Students

Continuously assess and refine our Mathematics and English programs, spanning all grade levels.

Broaden the scope of our Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) program to bolster student achievement.

Nurturing college aspirations which is a central pillar of our mission.

Set ambitious goals for SAT, AP, IAR, and STAR testing. Our aim is to ensure that every student not only meets but exceeds expectations in these assessments, paving the way for their academic and career success.

Becoming an Adaptive and Engaged Learning Community

Encourage attendance at Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings to foster collaboration. 

Enhance Feedback Mechanisms and Implement PBIS.

In-Depth Action Plan #1

Improvement Priority Title:  Student-Centered Support

What difference will it make for learners? (What do we expect to see? List specific expected outcomes): 

  • Cultivate and enhance students' Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) competencies.
  • Foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment where students can thrive.
  • Individualize the learning experience per student by incorporating a school wide MTSS initiative.
  • Establish comprehensive support systems, including counseling, tutoring, and special education services, to address the diverse needs of students, ensuring no one is left behind.

Success Criteria (How will we know if the change has been an improvement?)

  • A notable reduction in disciplinary referrals for negative behaviors.
  • Positive outcomes reflected in the Panorama survey results.
  • Successful implementation of the Mandatory 5 Essentials survey administered to teachers, parents, and students, with results indicating reduced referrals.

Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures (How will we know if our success criteria have been met and what evidence will we have to inform our next annual School Improvement Plan Report?): 

  • Panorama surveys will be conducted at the start and end of each academic year, involving parents, students, and teachers.
  • The 5 Essentials survey will be administered at the end of the school year, focusing on social-emotional learning and equity.

What exactly are we going to do? (Detail of specific actions undertaken to achieve desired impact): 

  • Provide weekly social and emotional equity topics and lessons for teachers to integrate into their classroom curriculum.
  • Motivate staff to regularly attend home visits.  
  • Regularly check in with students through surveys to gauge their emotional well-being for school success.
  • Develop and implement academic support programs for students who are struggling academically (MTSS). This may include tutoring, after-school programs, or specialized intervention plans.
  • Introduce counseling and peer mediation practices to address student concerns.
  • Recognize and celebrate positive student efforts through a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program.

Who will lead this? (Detail of responsibilities and timescales): 

Classroom teachers and members of the Social-Emotional Learning/Equity committee will take the lead in implementing these actions. The timeline for implementation will be ongoing throughout the school year.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion implications (How will you ensure that pupils experiencing disadvantage will not be adversely affected by this improvement project? Briefly mention any relevant points from your Pupil Equity planning): 

  • Encourage teachers to provide differentiation strategies for English Language Learners (EL), Diverse Learners, and students with 504 plans.
  • Follow social and emotional accommodations outlined in student Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).
  • Provide culturally relevant materials and resources to support diverse student populations.
  • Create a safe and inclusive space for both teachers and students to voice their thoughts and concerns.

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications (How will you ensure that this improvement project does not impact negatively on staff wellbeing and workload?)

  • Allocate dedicated time within the daily schedule for teachers to implement social and emotional equity activities.
  • Equip SEL teams to provide teachers with weekly resources and support.
  • Foster collaborative opportunities for teachers to reflect on their experiences and share best practices.

Expected Resource Needs (including costings if applicable)  (Allocation of Pupil Equity Funding should be reference briefly in this box, if appropriate): 

  • Funding for school assemblies and incentive programs.
  • Investment in professional development opportunities for staff.
  • Allocation of resources for SEL-Equity materials and training.

In-Depth Action Plan #2

Improvement Priority Title:  Improve Achievement for All Students

What difference will it make for learners? (What do we expect to see? List specific expected outcomes): 


  • Students will show 42% proficiency on the IAR assessments for ELA 
  • Students will show 27% proficiency on the IAR assessments for Math
  • Kindergarten to 8th grade will show “x%” proficiency on STAR Assessment.

High School: 

  • 11th grade students will receive a 1015 average on the SAT by the end of the year
  • 10th grade students will receive a 870  average on the PSAT/NMSQT by the end of the year
  • 9th grade students will receive a 830  average on the PSAT 8/9 by the end of the year
  • 100% of graduating students will be accepted to a post high school institutions
  • Scholarship offerings to our graduating class will be more than $10,000,000
  • 50% of students will graduate with a career pathway endorsement 
  • 47 students will get a score of 3+ and 130 AP tests will be taken

Success Criteria (How will we know if the change has been an improvement?)


  • After analyzing IAR and STAR data in June of 2024, we will have achieved desired  proficiency levels

High School: 

  • After analyzing PSAT data in October 2023 and SAT data for June of 2023, we will have achieved desired proficiency levels 

Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures (How will we know if our success criteria have been met and what evidence will we have to inform our next annual School Improvement Plan Report?):


  • We will use standards-based assessments to track student progress prior to IAR in spring of 2024.
  • We will use STAR proficiency levels to track student progress.
  • We will analyze data from the IAR results in spring of 2024 to determine if our goals were met. If they were, we will increase our goals for the following school year. 

High School: 

  • We will use PSAT scores in Fall 2023 to track student progress prior to SAT in spring of 2024.
  • We will analyze data from the SAT results in Spring of 2024 to determine if our goals were met. If they were, we will increase our goals for the following school year. 

What exactly are we going to do? (Detail of specific actions undertaken to achieve desired impact): 


  • Use the STAR baseline assessment to guide instruction and create individualized goals for students.
  • Use Spring STAR assessments to see if progress towards proficiency goals has been achieved. Monitor student progress each month by using the STAR assessment.
  • Use resources such as ESGI, Khan Academy, Albert, Mastery Manager, CommonLit, Measuring Up, and IXL to individualize lessons for students based on RIT scores.
  • Regularly assess and update the school curriculum to ensure it aligns with current educational standards and best practices. We will consider incorporating new teaching methods, technologies, and relevant real-world applications
  • Use the goal setting features in STAR to address student needs.
  • Analyze data and student progress in our PLC’s.
  • Implement differentiated instruction strategies to cater to diverse student needs. Provide professional development opportunities for teachers to learn and apply these strategies effectively.
  • IAR Saturday School will be held for additional support.

High School: 

  • Professional Learning Communities will meet monthly to discuss student growth.
  • CommonLit, Mastery Manager, and Albert will track student progress. 
  • Develop a system for ongoing assessment and data analysis to track student progress. Use assessment results to make informed decisions about curriculum adjustments and to provide targeted support for struggling students.
  • SAT Saturday school will be held for additional support.
  • Practice SATs will be given throughout the year.
  • All Juniors will be required to take College Readiness English and Math. 

Who will lead this? (Detail of responsibilities and timescales): 

  • Elementary/Middle: APs, PLC, and Department heads will be responsible for facilitating teachers analyzing data and trends. 
  • High School: APs, PLC and Department heads will be responsible for analyzing data and trends for the SAT. 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion implications (How will you ensure that pupils experiencing disadvantage will not be adversely affected by this improvement project? Briefly mention any relevant points from your Pupil Equity planning): 


  • All students will have access to one-on-one technology.
  • Provide resources, modifications, and differentiation as listed in students’ IEP.
  • Provide resources and differentiation for EL students.
  • Encourage use of culturally relevant materials and resources.

High School:

  • All students will have access to one-on-one technology.
  • DL and EL teachers will differentiate instruction when necessary.
  • Ensure all resources and instruction will be culturally relevant. 

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications (How will you ensure that this improvement project does not impact negatively on staff wellbeing and workload?)


  • Professional development opportunities will be thoughtfully scheduled and structured to minimize disruptions to teachers' daily routines.
  • Teachers will receive robust support materials that complement professional development, making it easier for them to apply data-driven practices efficiently.
  • Data will be disseminated in a timely manner, allowing teachers to plan and adapt their instruction effectively.

High School: 

  • Professional development opportunities will be thoughtfully scheduled and structured to minimize disruptions to teachers' daily routines.
  • Teachers will receive robust support materials that complement professional development, making it easier for them to apply data-driven practices efficiently.
  • Data will be disseminated in a timely manner, allowing teachers to plan and adapt their instruction effectively.

Expected Resource Needs (including costings if applicable)  (Allocation of Pupil Equity Funding should be reference briefly in this box, if appropriate): 


  • One-to-one technology
  • Khan Academy
  • Measuring Up
  • STAR
  • IXL
  • Mastery Manager
  • State released IAR questions
  • CommonLit

High School: 

  • One-to-one chromebooks
  • Albert accounts
  • SAT reading and math books
  • Khan Academy
  • CommonLit
  • Mastery Manager 

In-Depth Action Plan #3

Improvement Priority Title:  Becoming a Responsive School

What difference will it make for the school community? (What do we expect to see? List specific expected outcomes): 

  • All stakeholders will experience a sense of community and belonging.
  • All stakeholders will have a sense of ownership and a voice in shaping the school community and culture.
  • Learning spaces will be transformed into student-centered environments.

Success Criteria (How will we know if the change has been an improvement?)

  • Utilize the Mandatory 5 Essentials survey, administered to teachers, parents, and students at the end of the school year, to measure a significant decrease in disciplinary referrals.
  • Achieve a 5-10% increase in the satisfactory rate on the Panorama survey compared to the previous year.

What exactly are we going to do? (Detail of specific actions undertaken to achieve desired impact): 

  • Promoting Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Encourage stakeholders' attendance at Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) meetings to foster collaboration and participation.
    • Actively involve parents in school events, creating opportunities for meaningful engagement.
  • Survey and Feedback Mechanisms:
    • Administer the Panorama Survey to teachers, students, and parents at the end of the year, capturing valuable feedback to inform improvements.
    • Sponsor parent events and maintain open channels for outreach and feedback collection.
  • Implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS):
    • Roll out a comprehensive PBIS program, spanning from Kindergarten through 12th grade, to foster a positive school culture and address behavior issues proactively.

Who will lead this? (Detail of responsibilities and timescales): 

  • Outreach: Spearhead outreach efforts to engage the school community.
  • Parents: Actively participate in PTO meetings and events.
  • Administrators: Provide guidance and support in the implementation of PBIS and survey administration.
  • Student Council: Promote student involvement and representation.
  • Counseling Team: Offer support and resources for students and parents.
  • Timeline: Ongoing efforts throughout the school year.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion implications (How will you ensure that pupils experiencing disadvantage will not be adversely affected by this improvement project? Briefly mention any relevant points from your Pupil Equity planning): 

  • Meeting recordings and meeting minutes shared with stakeholders to ensure inclusivity.
  • Provision of translation services during meetings to accommodate diverse language needs.
  • Direct involvement of administration in addressing student affairs and equity concerns.

Staff wellbeing and pastoral support implications (How will you ensure that this improvement project does not impact negatively on staff wellbeing and workload?)

  • Allocate dedicated time during regular weekly meetings to support staff in these efforts.
  • Provide teachers with an additional 45 minutes of preparation time per week to manage workloads effectively.

Expected Resource Needs (including costings if applicable)  (Allocation of Pupil Equity Funding should be reference briefly in this box, if appropriate): 

  • Teacher incentives
  • Student incentives
  • Parent incentives